How Video Consumption is Changing in 2022

Welcome to What I'm Reading! Here's a look at what I found interesting over the last two weeks. Hopefully these articles help you in your business.

Social Media and the Interwebs

How Video Consumption is Changing in 2022 - HubSpot
#4 on this list really surprised me. Their research says that the desire for production quality is going up. This is why I do my research before teaching. My observation was that production quality is going down because of the popularity of Stories and TikTok/Reels. Hey look, even I learn things from my newsletter!

Lean Into Visual Content Creation on LinkedIn - LinkedIn
I just taught this in my content marketing class. Visual content works on all platforms.

Eight photo-centric social sites that are not Instagram - The Verge
Instagram is getting a lot of pushback these days. If you want to focus on photos instead of everything else, try one of these apps. (I just downloaded Vero. I'm @openapphoto.)

Seven Tips for Writing Content Effectively - Semrush/MarketingProfs
One tip that I give regarding writing and blogs: Only write blogs/articles if you're a natural writer. If you're not, then don't force it.

43 TikTok Stats to Know in 2022 - HubSpot
In case you're hanging onto any doubts about whether TikTok is here to stay, here you go. Read these stats.

Other Stuff

5 Email Templates for Those Hard-to-Have Client Conversations - The Freelance Creative
They seem to have forgotten #6: You Forgot to Pay Me. I have to send that email occasionally.

Seven Self-Sabotaging Mistakes in B2B Cold-Calling That Might Be Tanking Your Sales - MarketingProfs
Here's a different type of article for this newsletter. I'm working on a bunch of cold emails right now so this one stuck out to me, even if it isn't a direct translation to what I'm doing.


Should You Create Educational Teaching Videos?


25 Twitter Marketing Tips That Actually Work