How To Work With Social Media Algorithms

Welcome to What I'm Reading! Here's a look at what I found interesting over the last two weeks. Hopefully these articles help you in your business.

Social Media and the Interwebs

How To Work With Social Media Algorithms - B Squared
This is extremely basic and it's aimed at beginners, which is perfect for most of my audience. If you have no concept of what an algorithm is and how one works, this is for you.

5 Social Media Tips Every Small Business Needs - HubSpot
Preach it, HubSpot! Tip #3 comes straight from every presentation that I have: "Focus on quality instead of quantity."

How to Edit Instagram Photos Like a Pro - Social Media Examiner
Some of this is stuff that I teach in my Business Photography class but there's plenty more too, specifically the native editing features of Instagram.

How Video Can Humanize Your Brand - HubSpot
The title on this article is a bit misleading but it's still a good one. It implies that it's primarily about the content in videos when it's actually about video types and distribution. Still worth a read.

Summer Lull? Make It a Productive Time To Improve Your Content Marketing- Content Marketing Institute
I have a summer lull and this is what I'm working on. It isn't an accident that my newsletter and my YouTube channel both reappeared in the summer. Even if summer isn't your slow season, I bet you have one at some point in the year.

SEO in Real Life: Harnessing Visual Search for Optimization Opportunities - Moz
This is fascinating. Search companies, including Google, are developing tools so their AI can identify objects in photos and do a search on them. I don't think it's something that small businesses can take advantage of yet but it'll be coming in the next few years and I'll be tracking it.

Other Stuff

How to Deal With Mental Health in Your Small Business - SmallBusinessify
Now that I've thrust myself into the role of mental health advocate, I'd like you to read this article if you're among the 72% of small business owners who face mental health challenges.


Your Website Must Have An About Video


Photographing Too Wide or Too Tight