10 Content Marketing Articles Readers Loved This Year

Welcome to What I'm Reading! Here's a look at what I found interesting over the last two weeks. Hopefully these articles help you in your business.

Social Media and the Interwebs

10 Content Marketing Articles Readers (Like You) Loved This Year - Content Marketing Institute
Thank you for opening my email to read this curated list of articles. I now present you with this link, a curated list of articles.

How to Start a Podcast in 2022? (Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide) - Findstack
Podcasting is a marketing method that I don't touch on too often. It can be an effective way to grow your business but it does take a little more effort than some other concepts. Also, I'm worried that podcasting is starting to show signs of market saturation.

Creating Video Ads That Convert on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube - Social Media Examiner
Paid ads on social are cheap, especially if you have an ad that consistently converts. The "if" in that statement is key. If your ads don't convert, then it doesn't matter how cheap they are, so learn more about video ads.

4 User-Generated Content Ideas (and Tools To Check If They Work) - Content Marketing Institute
I'd love to see more small businesses take advantage of UGC. Let your customers do the work of creating good content. You can repost it, with permission of course, and you immediately have authentic content for free.

Social Media Demographics for Marketers in 2022 - HubSpot
I always like to keep up with this demographic data. My top takeaway: IG has more male users than females.

Amazon Live Video: Getting Started - Social Media Examiner
Here's an outside-the-box idea for you. Did you know that you can go live on Amazon? If you sell a product, this is something that you should at least glance at. Even if you don't have any desire to go live yourself, you can work with established influencers to get your product in front of people.

Other Stuff

How to Become a Better Listener - Harvard Business Review
I found this particularly interesting because I'm a terrible listener. I try. I try really hard. Just know that I'm not ignoring you.


Using Personal Branding as Business Branding


How to Learn Social Media Without Getting Scammed