How B2B Companies Can Leverage Influencer Marketing
Welcome to What I'm Reading! Here's a look at what I found interesting over the last two weeks. Hopefully these articles help you in your business.
Social Media and the Interwebs
How B2B Companies Can Leverage Influencer Marketing in 2022: The Ultimate Guide - The Content Strategist
Most people are aware of the existence of influencers in the B2C (business to consumer) market. They exist in the B2B (business to business) market as well. This is something that I've been considering for my business in one form or another for months.
Small Business Owners' Favorite Tactics for Different Funnel Stages - MarketingProfs/Skynova
Surprisingly, at least to me, content production comes out slightly ahead of social media ads and word of mouth.
Marketing Memes: How to Use Memes in Marketing to Gain Traction - Shane Barker
Using memes to market small businesses generally isn't something that I recommend. You have to really, really be on point with your meme game, and even then it's difficult. If you're still interested in pursuing it, here's a guide for you.
5 Tips for Small Business Owners on Finding & Reaching the Right Audience Within Year One of Launch - HubSpot
This isn't just for first year businesses; it also fits existing businesses who skipped some of their basics. This touches on target audiences, SEO, and Google ads. It does recommend Google Ads but a word of caution: I'm struggling with my Google ads because of their complexity.
How to Identify and Fix Poorly Performing Facebook Ads - Social Media Examiner
Speaking of complex ad systems, here's another one for your perusal.
Social Media Marketing: A Checklist for 2022 - Social Media Examiner
Enough with this complex stuff. Let's go back to basics again.
Other Stuff
5 Ways to Protect Your Mental Health - Entrepreneur
From the article: "a whopping 72% of entrepreneurs have some kind of mental-health issue." That includes me with my anxiety and depression. Please, please, pretty please make sure that you're caring for yourself.